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Created for Purpose

Denise leaning against a tree and smiling

It’s a new year!
We may have many thoughts about what we want to do this year and what we want to accomplish.
My friend, let us remember that we were created for purpose and let the Lord Jesus Christ direct our paths.

Each new day that we see is a day to rejoice,
A day to give thanks.
We were all created for a purpose.
Even though you may not know yours,
God knows.

We all have a different job to do,
Different lives to touch by our presence.
All we have to do is ask God, “Why am I here?”
He hears and answers our prayers.

Whenever you may feel that life is too hard,
Remember you are created for a purpose.
As you move to another stage in your life,
Embrace all that God has in store for you.

Living with Christ is such a wonderful thing,
Doing what He wants you to do!
There is a purpose for your life.
Don’t give up!
Keep reaching for the top,
Knowing that it will all be worth it in the end.

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.

proverbs 19:21 esv



  1. Patricia Estick

    Beautiful. May the Lord richly bless you as you continue to use your gifts to glorify His Name.

    • Denise Cyrus

      Thank you Sis Patricia. May the Lord richly bless you also.


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Written by Denise Cyrus