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Do you know that God is in control of all seasons? No matter the season of life that you are in, know that God is right there seeing you through. Sometimes I questioned this, but I know that God is always there.

God is in control of the seasons of our lives.
Happy or sad
Up or down
Joy or distress
Life or death
Good times or bad…
Whatever stage in our lives
God is in control of our seasons.
We may face many things in life:
The birth of a child
The death of a loved one
A promotion
The loss of a job
Earthquake or hurricane…
Jesus is there in all things.
He holds the universe in His hands.
He holds us in His hands.
Seasons change, but God does not.
Life may get difficult where it seems like there is no hope,
but we must hold on to God.
Our Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever more.
He is in control of all the seasons of life and
He will take care of us.
We need to believe it.

“I am the Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King.” Thus says the Lord, Who makes a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters.

isaiah 43:15-16 esv



  1. Lucille Gloud

    Yes he is! We just have to trust him in all seasons. To God be the glory.

    • Denise Cyrus

      Amen. Yes we have to trust him in all seasons Sis Lucille. To God be the glory. Blessings.


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Written by Denise Cyrus